Opening Hours
If you have a medical emergency, please ring 000 immediately.
Surgery Hours:
Open Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 1:00pm & 2:00pm - 5:30pm
(Please no walk-ins, appointments are required).
We are closed weekends and Public Holidays.
For medical care after hours or during our absence you can go to the Bridges After Hours Clinic, located in Erina Community Centre, opposite Erina High School Ph: 4367 9699 (no appointment is necessary).
OR the National Home Doctor Service Ph: 137425.
OR go to Gosford District Hospital.
Pathology Collection Services:
Pathology Collection is available in our rooms on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday from 8:30am - 12:45pm.
No appointment is required for pathology. Please bring your referral with you and take a number when you arrive.